In today’s online digital world, more flashy and new social media sites are all the rage. But email marketing is the real powerhouse of online business.

Whereas other platforms come and go, email marketing offers a direct, personal, and highly effective way of engaging with your audience – and the numbers prove it.

For every dollar spent on email marketing, there could be up to $40 returned, making it one of the highest ROI strategies available.

Exploring why email remains number one in 2024 and how you can use it for greater business success will be covered in this issue.

Let’s jump into these amazing insights and some awesome tips you can start implementing today!

Unlocking the Power of Email Marketing 🚀Watch the full 80-min video here

Video Published: September 27, 2024

Just watched the video “Email Marketing Secrets with Mark Harbert” by The Goal Digger Girl, that’s a game-changer! Mark Harbert is a seasoned digital marketer reminding us that email is very much from the dead but rather the secret sauce that rockets your business without burning out on social media.

Harbert takes us through the basics of email marketing in a way that’s both surprising to some and refreshing to others – owning your traffic (yes, you can “own” your list), from deriving millions in commissions to using small, engaged email lists. Perhaps jaw-dropping, Harbert still delivers.

He does not only talk about numbers but explains why making email use more than social media algorithms will ensure business success for years to come.

Key Takeaways:

Does Cold Emailing Still Get Results in 2024? 🤔Watch the full 22-min video here

Video Published: August 13, 2024

It was great fun joining the 21st Century Entrepreneurship podcast hosted by Martin Pisarik to address what has been churning in everyone’s mind for a while – is cold email dead? Spoiler alert—it most certainly is not. It might even be more effective than ever if you do it correctly.

I founded Email Outreach Company to help businesses of all shapes and sizes utilize cold emails to reach key decision-makers, and the results have been staggering. From landing big deals with major brands like Bank of America to booking podcast interviews and securing investments – to name a few. And although cold email has played a backbone role throughout my entrepreneurial journey, the game has changed significantly over just the last year.

The new secret? Mastering infrastructure, copy, and personalization.

Key Takeaways:

Winning Back Non-Converting Website Visitors with the Right Email Strategies🔄Read the full 1,450-word article here

Article Published: September 27, 2024

Are you losing nearly 96% of website visitors who don’t convert? You’re not alone. I have read “9 Proven Email Marketing Tactics to Re-engage Non-Converting Website Users,” written by DesignRush, and it is chock-full of great tips on how to bring those users back to your site. BenchmarkONE’s chief executive officer, Jonathan Herrick, revealed his secret sauce as the most important weapon used in a fight to re-engage non-converting users. Email marketing outperforms social media in areas like personalization, ownership, and longevity.

His best tip? Personalize everything, auto-email, and focus on the value beyond the sale. Interactive polls or quizzes-these can immediately take your emails from boring to interesting.

Key Takeaways:

My Last $.02

In the constantly changing world of algorithms, your email is one steady line to your audience.

It’s more than just distributing promotions. It’s about building those relations, guiding those leads along, and ultimately driving your business. Whether it’s re-engaging that visitor or landing that big deal via cold email, the tactics we covered today give you control and results that no social media post ever can.

So, let’s bring these strategies to life—your inbox just might be your business’s next big win!

Until next time, happy emailing!
